
Happy 7th Birthday High Tea Honeys!

Seven years! Where has the time gone? I love the community of tea lovers we have created here, and beyond Wellington too. 200+ events later, it still lights me up seeing a table laden with fancy teaware and treats, Honeys crowded around and the energetic hum of friendly chatter filling the air.

Thank you to the 500+ members that have been a part of the last seven years - whether you've been lurking on social quietly, if you've made it along to one event ever or one a month, it's been great to be part of your world. A special thank you too, to those Honeys that have gone out of their way to host and organise opportunities to bring people together over good food, fancy crafts and more - you know who you beautiful people are.  

COVID-19 really shone a light on the necessity of human connection and I feel a renewed energy to continue to create opportunities to embrace life one beautiful moment at a time, together. 

This has started with our brand spanking new website at Our home online for all things tea and cake including destination cafes, our favourite tea merchants, my musings from time to time in the Honeys blog, and you might spot our new little tea shop there too. In my tea travels, there are some brands that I just can't go past - and I am excited to bring them together for you to peruse and discover too.

From my very full and warmed heart to yours, thank you again. 

With tea and love always,

Sam xx

High Tea Honeys

Shop decadent boutique tea and beautiful fine china tea cups and saucers from our Little Tea Shop. Book our High Tea at home service or join us at our public monthly afternoon tea events. Be set for the finest of tea parties or gift the people you love something they will treasure. Shop online from the High Tea Honeys today.